I had the pleasure of spending the morning with my daughter at school last week. It's a very cool program that they do, and unfortunately, this is the last one that I will attend, as they do not continue this in the next elementary school that she will attend. We started off the morning with doughnut holes and juice, and then Meghan took me to her classroom where we had some activities to do.
Above is the checklist that we went through. We had lots to do, and it was so cute the way that Meghan had to check off each of the activities as we completed them. In her classroom, we had a drawing/writing assignment to complete, and then she took me on a tour of some of her favorite places in the classroom.
After finishing everything there was to do in her classroom, we then went on a tour of the rest of the school building. I loved this message that Meghan's art teacher had up in her classroom. Meghan enjoyed showing me all the great things about art class. She loves art, so I'm so glad that she has the opportunity to express herself at school.
Then, it was on to music class, where Meghan played the bells and the keyboard. I am so very thankful that Meghan's school is so dedicated to teaching not only the core subjects, but also a love and appreciation for the arts as well. After music, we made a quick pass through the media center (library & computer lab), and then I dropped Meghan back off at her classroom so that she could start her day. It was a great way to start my day, and I loved spending some time with her, and getting to experience a little bit of her school routine.
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